In the early days of digital assets, the market was mostly speculative, with traders and investors buying based on hunches rather than fundamentals. However, as the number of users and acceptance grew, more concrete conclusions could be drawn from the available data points, allowing professional investors to develop risk-return metrics.
Currently, the sector is witnessing a shift toward greater professionalism, as these assets now respond to economic metrics, a phenomenon not seen in previous cycles. This maturation process and the gradual shift away from pure speculation have allowed digital assets to be included in traditional portfolios. Learn more about the role of digital assets in a traditional portfolio in our brochure.
The disruptive nature of digital assets has allowed them to generate significant returns throughout the years. Although the market is slowly entering its maturing phase, the sector is still growing incredibly, offering unique investment opportunities.
Due to its technological nature, digital assets are experimenting with various technologies, creating unique products and services. However, most people have never used them, by acting today, investors can still be part of the early majority as the industry grows.
As digital assets operate outside of traditional financial markets, the sector is seen as a potential store of value against bad monetary policy and the sector has not shown a consistent positive correlation with financial markets, providing extra diversification.
Different digital assets behave and react differently to market conditions. A diversified portfolio can benefit from growth in different sectors such as Decentralized Finance and Artificial Intelligence.
A diversified portfolio can optimize returns by investing in assets with different risk profiles and growth potential, resulting in a more favorable risk-return ratio.
By not concentrating all your investments on a single digital asset such as Bitcoin, you are less vulnerable to potential technical problems, hacking, or regulatory restrictions specific to one currency.