Our algorithmic trading strategy utilizes the daily volatility of the digital assets market while pursuing stable returns. Our self-developed trading bots integrate seamlessly with exchanges and allow us to implement various strategies that match current market conditions. These strategies range from grid trading to arbitrage and options trading.
The emerging nature of the digital assets market presents numerous opportunities. For example, the market is still characterized by strong volatility, price differences between exchanges and rapidly developing investment products. Algorithmic trading bots can take full advantage of this.
Our in-house developed algorithmic trading bots connect seamlessly to the largest exchanges, can handle up to 5 million trades per day, and have an internal response time of 3 microseconds. As a result, the Algorithmic Trading strategy benefits from the many price fluctuations in the market and the price differences between exchanges. With these profits, we generate more coins, smoothing out downward corrections and shaping a stable return growth.
In grid trading, orders are placed within a certain price range, which are filled by price fluctuations. Our bots can operate with price changes of as little as 0.001%. Next to the returns of each trade, we additionally receive rewards from the exchange for the liquidity we provide.
Due to market inefficiencies, there are price differences between exchanges. Our trading bots are integrated with several centralized and decentralized exchanges, allowing them to take advantage of these price differences.
Options trading offers a wide range of possibilities. One of the most well-known is the implementation of a Delta-Neutral strategy in a sideways or down market to limit downside pressure.
What makes the strategy unique?
Trading in the free market involves emotions. Whereas an analyst needs to control this, a trading bot acts entirely based on the latest figures. Restructuring and optimizing trading strategies ensures daily performance improvement.
One of the advantages of the digital assets market is that it is open 24/7. Unlike the traditional market, this also provides more opportunities. Our algorithmic trading bots allow us to take full advantage of the different peak times of the many time zones.
The Algorithmic Trading strategy goal is to generate additional coins. Thus, profits realized are automatically converted into Bitcoin or Ether, however, specific altcoins can also be chosen. These extra coins limit downward pressure and provide additional returns when the prices rise again.
The strategy is exploring the opportunity to integrate our in-house developed machine learning platform with the trading algorithms. This platform could support our trading bots in analyzing price movements and predicting the next direction based on historical data.
If you would like to learn more about our AI-ML platform, please access our dedicated page via the link.